Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

A 'human right,' according to Vanessa Andreotti, can be understood as a historically and socially constructed concept that articulates the ideals and values of dignity, equality, and justice that human beings collectively aspire to uphold. It is rooted in the recognition of our shared humanity and mutual interdependencies, emphasizing not just the protection and provision of individual freedoms and entitlements, but also the responsibilities and ethical relationships that bind us. Human rights, in this view, are dynamic and evolving, reflecting changing understandings of justice that account for the complexities of power, privilege, and systemic inequalities in our global context. They challenge us to critically engage with and transform the structures and practices that perpetuate harm and exclusion, advocating for a more inclusive, empathetic, and sustainable world where every individual can lead a dignified life.

See also: citizenship education, indigenous people, economic justice, global south

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